Serves: 4 Prep Time: 20 mins Cooking Time: 1 hour
454g Sykes House Farm Diced Chicken Breast
Sea salt
Cracked pepper
1T cooking oil
200g pearl barley
2 x medium carrots – cut chunky
2-3 x sticks celery – cut chunky
1 x large onion – diced
3 x cloves garlic – crushed
500ml chicken stock
150ml white wine
Boquet garni – thyme, sage, rosemary, bay
Handful of parsley – chopped
For the chicken hotpot
Place a large casserole or saucepan onto a medium heat with the cooking oil. Once hot, add the diced chicken in 2 batches and brown. Remove the chicken from the pan and onto a plate.
Add the vegetables to the pan with a good pinch of salt and sweat for 5-6
minutes until lightly coloured. Return the chicken to the pan. Deglace the
pan with the white wine and reduce it by half. Add the stock to the pan
and bring it to the boil.
When the pan is boiling, check the broth for seasoning and add a touch of
salt if required. Add the barley to the pan and return it to the boil. Once
boiling, reduce the heat to a simmer, loosely cover with a greaseproof paper ‘cartouche’ and simmer for 50 minutes until the carrots and barley
are tender. Let the stew stand for 5-10 minutes before serving.
To serve
Finish the stew with a good healthy twist of cracked pepper and a handful of chopped parsley. Great with a warm crusty baguette for mopping up the sauce!